The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors composed of 12 members, elected for three years. Chaired by Raphaël Appert, its directors include representatives of the Crédit Agricole Group, representatives of Grameen Trust and qualified representatives.

Raphaël APPERT [Board's Chairman]
Graduate of EDHEC (Lille 1983), Raphaël Appert has spent his professional career at Crédit Agricole. In 1983, he joined Crédit Agricole du Nord-est, in 1995 Crédit Agricole de la Sarthe as Head of Commercial network, and in 1998 Crédit Agricole de l’Anjou et du Maine as Head of Finance and Marketing.
In 2002, he was appointed Deputy CEO of Crédit Agricole Centre-est. In 2005, he was named CEO Officer by the Board of Directors of Crédit Agricole Val de France. Since 2010, he has been CEO of Crédit Agricole Centre-est.
Within the Crédit Agricole Group, Raphaël Appert was elected member of the Board of the National Federation of Crédit Agricole in 2012, he became Deputy Secretary General in 2015 and then First Vice-Chairman in May 2017. He is also Vice-Chairman of Crédit Agricole SA.
A Board member of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation since its creation in 2008, he was elected Chairman in March 2021.
Raphaël Appert is Knight of the French Legion of Honor and Officer of the Order of Agricultural Merit.

Mohammad SHAHJAHAN [Board's Vice-Chairman]
Mohammad Shahjahan began his career at Grameen Bank in 1984. He was Acting Managing Director and Head of the Accounting, Finance, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation division of Grameen Bank. He has also served on the Board of Directors of several Grameen family companies. These companies are active in agriculture, social welfare, renewable energy, telecommunications, venture capital and investment banking.
Mohammad Shahjahan obtained a B. Com degree in Accounting with honours from Dhaka University in 1976 and a Master’s degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Finance from the same University in 1977 and 1981 respectively.

Since January 2021, Miren Bengoa is the new Managing Director of the International Action sector of GROUPE SOS. Since 2011, she was Head of Fondation CHANEL, which aims to support projects improving the economic and social situation of women.
A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, Miren is an international specialist in development, gender and public health with 20 years of professional experience in developing countries. She began her career in strategic communications and public affairs at Weber Shandwick Worldwide (France) and then moved on to an international role with several NGOs such as MSF and the Terre des Hommes Foundation. She has worked and lived in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Senegal and Ecuador as a program manager in reproductive health (UNFPA) and child mortality (UNICEF).
She helped launch and develop Fondation CHANEL, enabling it to become one of the European leaders in the field of gender equality with projects supported in more than 30 countries. Since 2013, Miren has led the creation of the French National Committee for Women of the UN, of which she is the honorary president. As an active member of the Board of Directors of the Centre des fondations françaises (CFF), she supports the improvement of synergies between private donors. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the experimental social enterprise Fleurs de Cocagne (Essonne), which promotes the production of local and sustainable flowers in order to provide employment for marginalized women.

Eric Campos is currently Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Crédit Agricole S.A. and a member of the Executive Committee since July 2023. He was previously Managing Director of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation from October 2016 to November 2022 and Head of Crédit Agricole S.A.’s Corporate Social Responsibility since June 2018.
He joined the Crédit Agricole Group in 2001, where he successively held the positions of Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Caisse Régionale du Crédit Agricole Mutuel de la Réunion, Head of Development of International Retail Banking and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes. He has also worked as Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Société financière pour le développement de la Réunion and at Agence Française de Développement as Head of Evaluation of development aid programmes in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific region.

Tasmina RAHMAN
Tasmina Rahman, practitioner of microfinance and social business joined Grameen Trust (GT) as the General Manager on September 1, 2018. Since 1994, she has been working with Grameen Trust which has helped implementation of more than 153 Grameen Replication Programs in 42 countries and provided equity support to about 20,000 new entrepreneurs by June 2021.
She has a wide range of experience on GT’s worldwide replication programs following Grameen Bank Approach (GBA). She has participated at different workshops and training programs on various issues on Microcredit and Social Business in different countries as well as monitoring and evaluation visits to the microcredit projects run, owned and/or managed by GT worldwide.
She serves as the member of Boards in different microfinance organizations and Social Business entities in Bangladesh and China.

Sylvie Lemmet is an economist specializing in climate, energy and the environment, and French Ambassador for the Environment.
Magistrate at the Court of Auditors, graduate of HEC and IEP in Paris, Sylvie Lemmet worked in the private sector and then at the World Bank on the sustainable development of Latin American countries. She then headed the Economics Division of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for 7 years. In particular, she supervised the publication of the first international report on the green economy in 2011.
As Director of International and European Affairs at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, she coordinated the international engagement of the private sector and local authorities for COP 21.
Together with Pierre Ducret, she is the author of the report “For a French Green Finance Strategy”, which was presented to Nicolas Hulot and Bruno Lemaire in December 2017.

Soukeyna N'DIAYE
Graduate in Sociology and specialized in management, Soukeyna N’Diaye Bâ was Minister of Decentralized Cooperation and Regional Planning of Senegal, in charge of Regional and Local Economic Development, from November 2002 to May 2005.
Founding member in 1987 and President of Femme Développement et Entreprise en Afrique (FDEA), the first microfinance institution for women entrepreneurs in the informal sector in Senegal, she is a specialist in microfinance.
She has more than 20 years of experience in international development through United Nations agency programs, and in various regional and international institutions in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Soukeyna is currently the Executive Director of INAFI International Foundation, a global network of more than 300 microfinance institutions from the South, with its International Secretariat based in Dakar, Senegal.

Jean-Marie SANDER
Born on 23 December 1949, in Ohlungen (Alsace, France) Jean-Marie Sander at the age of 20, took over the family business specialising in hop production. Alongside his work as a farmer, Jean-Marie Sander also held elected positions at Crédit Agricole d’Alsace: director of his local Caisse, director and then Chairman of the Regional Bank of Crédit Agricole d’Alsace and then Chairman of the Regional Bank of Alsace and the Vosges.
Within Crédit Agricole, Jean-Marie Sander has also held national mandates. He is a member of the FNCA. – Fédération Nationale du Crédit Agricole, which he chaired from 2003 to 2010, the year he was elected Chairman of Crédit Agricole SA. He has also chaired SAS Rue La Boétie, the majority shareholder of Crédit Agricole SA.
In addition to his responsibilities as a farmer and the mandates he holds at Crédit Agricole, Jean-Marie Sander made an early commitment to agriculture and, more generally, to the economic and social life of his region. Until 2003, he was Chairman of the Alsace Chamber of Agriculture and until 2010, Chairman of the Alsace Economic and Social Council. From 2001 to 2010, he was a member of the Economic and Social Council (national). Jean-Marie Sander is also mayor of the commune of Ohlungen – Alsace.
Jean-Marie Sander was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation from 5 March 2012 to 25 March 2021. He has been a member of the Foundation’s Compliance and Internal Control Committee since 26 March 2021. Since October 2010, he has been Chairman of the International Confederation of Crédit Agricole. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Foundation – of public utility – “Un avenir ensemble”.
Jean-Marie Sander is a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, an Officier de l’ordre national du Mérite and Commandeur du Mérite agricole.

Professeur YUNUS
Muhammad Yunus, interim Prime Minister of Bangladesh since August 2024. He taught economics at Middle Tennessee University from 1969 to 1972. Returning to Bangladesh in 1972, he became head of the Department of Economics at the University of Chittagong. The Grameen Bank Project, launched under his leadership in 1976, was transformed into a full-fledged bank in 1983 with the support of the Bangladesh government.
Muhammad Yunus sits on the Board of Directors of several national and international organizations and companies, including Grameen Danone Food Ltd. and Danone Communities Fund.
He was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor by President Chirac in May 2004. In 2006, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the Grameen Bank “in recognition of their efforts to foster economic and social development from the bottom up.
He is the author of “Banker to the poor”, “Creating a world without poverty: the social economy and the future of capitalism” and “For a more humane economy”.
Professor Yunus holds a PhD in Economics from Vanderbilt University (USA) and a Master of Arts and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Dhacca (Bangladesh).

Nicolas MAURE
Nicolas Mauré, Chairman of Credit Agricole Toulouse. He holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from IHEDREA (Institut des Hautes Etudes de Droit Rural et d’Economie Agricole) and a Bachelor’s degree in General Biology and Earth Sciences from Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse.
He is now a managing partner on a family farm and involved in an agricultural cooperative. In a world undergoing profound change, he encourages the democratization of the use of technological innovations within the territory.
In parallel with his agricultural activity, he is a producer of renewable energy. His perfect knowledge of agriculture and his appetite for innovation, new technologies and renewable energies are real assets to support the Foundation in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Pierre FORT
Pierre Fort Head of the Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes. He is a graduate of EDHEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord) and began his career at Groupe Crédit Agricole in 1992.
His wide range of experience on Credit, Marketing and Management Functions with different roles within Groupe Crédit Agricole (Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône Alpes, Crédit Agricole des Savoie and Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges) will be real assets to support the Foundation’s expertise as Chairman of the Investment Committee.

Tanguy Claquin is the Global head of Sustainable Banking at Crédit Agricole CIB : Financial advisory, structuring and fundraising for social, environmental & development projects
Tanguy Claquin started his carrier in 1999 in management consulting. In 2002, he joined CDC Ixis (now Natixis) where he set up the weather derivatives, cat bonds and insurance securitisation structuring and trading activity. He joined Crédit Agricole CIB in 2006 in charge of the origination and placement of insurance-linked securitisations and alternative risk transfer. In 2009, Tanguy created the Sustainable Banking unit making Crédit Agricole CIB the first French investment bank with a financial advisory and placement team specialised in socially responsible investments. Tanguy has been instrumental in making Crédit Agricole CIB one of the global leader of green, societal and sustainable bonds.
Tanguy Claquin is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and holds an Atmospheric Physics PhD.

Marc Elvinger
Marc Elvinger is a partner at Elvinger Hoss Prussen, a Luxembourg law firm founded in 1964 by André Elvinger and Jean Hoss. Marc joined the firm in the year 2000 after running a private practice for ten years.
Marc has extensive experience in commercial and civil litigation as well as in international arbitration. He also has extensive experience in administrative law and litigation. Besides litigation, he practises contract, company and banking law on a regular basis. He also regularly advises not for profit entities, such as ASBLs, foundations and Sociétés d’Impact Sociétales (SIS).
Marc Elvinger holds a DEA (diplôme d’études approfondies) in international conflict law from the Université Robert Schuman in Strasbourg (France) and a DEA (diplôme d’études approfondies) in development law from the Université René Descartes – Paris V (France).
Chaired by Pierre Fort , the Committee reviews and approves investment files. It also monitors the Foundation's activity and gives its opinion on the annual development plan. Consisting of three directors, an independent expert who joined the Committee in 2019, and the Managing Director, it meets once a month.

Pierre FORT [Committee's Chairman]
Pierre Fort is a graduate of EDHEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord) and began his career at Groupe Crédit Agricole in 1992.
His wide range of experience on Credit, Marketing and Management Functions with different roles within Groupe Crédit Agricole (Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône Alpes, Crédit Agricole des Savoie and Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges) will be real assets to support the Foundation’s expertise as Chairman of the Investment Committee.

Véronique FAUJOUR
Veronique Faujour joined the Corn Product Company France group in September 1986 as Assistant Product Manager for the Gerber infant food range. She then joined Bayard Presse in July 1988 as Product Manager Bayard Presse Jeune, Sales Director, and finally as Senior Division Marketing Director – Responsible for development and distribution.
From July 2000 to May 2005, she worked for the La Vie/Le Monde group, as editor of the magazine Top Famille, within the Publifa subsidiary, then from April 2004, as Manager of Fleurus Presse, the group’s youth press subsidiary. Life/The World. In June 2005, Véronique Faujour joined the Marie-Claire group as a magazine publisher before joining Uni-Editions in April 2008 as Deputy Managing Director. From January 2010 to November 2016, she was Managing Director of Uni-Editions.
From December 2016 to December 2019, Véronique Faujour was Marketing and Communication Director within the Development, Customer and Innovation division of Crédit Agricole S.A. As of January 1, 2020, she was appointed General Secretary of Crédit Agricole S.A. before being also appointed Managing Director of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation in November 2022.
Véronique Faujour is a graduate of ESSCA (Higher School of Commercial Sciences of Angers).

Mohammad SHAHJAHAN [Board's Vice-Chairman]
Mohammad Shahjahan began his career at Grameen Bank in 1984. He is currently Acting Managing Director and Head of the Accounting, Finance, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division of Grameen Bank. He also serves on the Board of Directors of several Grameen family companies. These companies are active in agriculture, social welfare, renewable energy, telecommunications, venture capital and investment banking.
Mohammad Shahjahan obtained a B. Com degree in Accounting with honours from Dhaka University in 1976 and a Master’s degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Finance from the same University in 1977 and 1981 respectively.

Nicolas Mauré
Nicolas Mauré holds a master’s degree in agricultural economics from IHEDREA (Institut des hautes études de droit rural et d’économie agricole) and a bachelor’s degree in general biology and earth sciences from Toulouse’s Paul Sabatier University.
He is currently managing partner of a family farm and involved in an agricultural cooperative. In a rapidly changing world, he encourages the democratization of the use of technological innovations on the ground.
Alongside his farming activity, he is a renewable energy producer. His perfect knowledge of agriculture and his appetite for innovation, new technologies and renewable energies are real assets in helping the Foundation to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Etienne VIARD
Graduated from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Etienne Viard began his career as management controller of a national company in Algeria and then as financial director of a company in the Democratic Republic of Congo. From 1988, he worked for the French Development Agency (AFD) where he joined the company’s business valuation division as a financial analyst. He then joined Proparco in 1999 as Director of Operations before being appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer in 2003. In July 2008 he was appointed Director of the Mediterranean and Middle East Department of the AFD Group. He was Chief Executive Officer of Proparco from 2010 to 2012 and joined the Foundation in 2019 as an independent expert on the Investment Committee.
Chaired by Tanguy Claquin, the Committee ensures compliance with the LCB-FT policy, the proper functioning of the internal control system, as well as compliance with the Ethics Charter and the Code of Conduct. Consisting of two directors and an independent external controller, it meets on average three times a year.

Tanguy CLAQUIN [Committee's Chairman]
Tanguy Claquin is the Global head of Sustainable Banking at Crédit Agricole CIB : Financial advisory, structuring and fundraising for social, environmental & development projects
Tanguy Claquin started his carrier in 1999 in management consulting. In 2002, he joined CDC Ixis (now Natixis) where he set up the weather derivatives, cat bonds and insurance securitisation structuring and trading activity. He joined Crédit Agricole CIB in 2006 in charge of the origination and placement of insurance-linked securitisations and alternative risk transfer. In 2009, Tanguy created the Sustainable Banking unit making Crédit Agricole CIB the first French investment bank with a financial advisory and placement team specialised in socially responsible investments. Tanguy has been instrumental in making Crédit Agricole CIB one of the global leader of green, societal and sustainable bonds.
Tanguy Claquin is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and holds an Atmospheric Physics PhD.

Eric Campos is currently Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Crédit Agricole S.A. and a member of the Executive Committee since July 2023. He was previously Managing Director of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation from October 2016 to November 2022 and Head of Crédit Agricole S.A.’s Corporate Social Responsibility since June 2018.
He joined the Crédit Agricole Group in 2001, where he successively held the positions of Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Caisse Régionale du Crédit Agricole Mutuel de la Réunion, Head of Development of International Retail Banking and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes. He has also worked as Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Société financière pour le développement de la Réunion and at Agence Française de Développement as Head of Evaluation of development aid programmes in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific region.

Bernard Fouquet is an agricultural engineer, a graduate of the Institut National Agronomique de Paris and the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de Paris. After experience in research and agri-food engineering, he spent most of his career with the Crédit Agricole Group in the fields of corporate banking, private equity and risk management, in particular as Central Manager of the corporate market, then as Central Risk Manager. In recent years, he has carried out several expert missions in Mali, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia and Haiti on behalf of Crédit Agricole Consultants, the FARM Foundation, the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation and Agence Française de Développement.
He is also President of the Association “l’Arbre à Palabre de Yélou à Paris” and director of the association “De l’Eau pour le Sahel”.

Sylvie Lemmet [Committee Chairman]
Sylvie Lemmet is an economist specializing in climate, energy and the environment, and French Ambassador for the Environment.
Magistrate at the Court of Auditors, graduate of HEC and IEP in Paris, Sylvie Lemmet worked in the private sector and then at the World Bank on the sustainable development of Latin American countries. She then headed the Economics Division of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for 7 years. In particular, she supervised the publication of the first international report on the green economy in 2011.
As Director of International and European Affairs at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, she coordinated the international engagement of the private sector and local authorities for COP 21.
Together with Pierre Ducret, she is the author of the report “For a French Green Finance Strategy”, which was presented to Nicolas Hulot and Bruno Lemaire in December 2017.

Jean-Marie SANDER
Born on 23 December 1949, in Ohlungen (Alsace, France) Jean-Marie Sander at the age of 20, took over the family business specialising in hop production. Alongside his work as a farmer, Jean-Marie Sander also held elected positions at Crédit Agricole d’Alsace: director of his local Caisse, director and then Chairman of the Regional Bank of Crédit Agricole d’Alsace and then Chairman of the Regional Bank of Alsace and the Vosges.
Within Crédit Agricole, Jean-Marie Sander has also held national mandates. He is a member of the FNCA. – Fédération Nationale du Crédit Agricole, which he chaired from 2003 to 2010, the year he was elected Chairman of Crédit Agricole SA. He has also chaired SAS Rue La Boétie, the majority shareholder of Crédit Agricole SA.
In addition to his responsibilities as a farmer and the mandates he holds at Crédit Agricole, Jean-Marie Sander made an early commitment to agriculture and, more generally, to the economic and social life of his region. Until 2003, he was Chairman of the Alsace Chamber of Agriculture and until 2010, Chairman of the Alsace Economic and Social Council. From 2001 to 2010, he was a member of the Economic and Social Council (national). Jean-Marie Sander is also mayor of the commune of Ohlungen – Alsace.
Jean-Marie Sander was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation from 5 March 2012 to 25 March 2021. He has been a member of the Foundation’s Compliance and Internal Control Committee since 26 March 2021. Since October 2010, he has been Chairman of the International Confederation of Crédit Agricole. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Foundation – of public utility – “Un avenir ensemble”.
Jean-Marie Sander is a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, an Officier de l’ordre national du Mérite and Commandeur du Mérite agricole.
Chaired by Sylvie Lemet, the committee oversees the Foundation's financial performance, risk management and social and environmental impact.

Sylvie Lemmet [Committee Chairman]
Sylvie Lemmet is an economist specializing in climate, energy and the environment, and French Ambassador for the Environment.
Magistrate at the Court of Auditors, graduate of HEC and IEP in Paris, Sylvie Lemmet worked in the private sector and then at the World Bank on the sustainable development of Latin American countries. She then headed the Economics Division of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for 7 years. In particular, she supervised the publication of the first international report on the green economy in 2011.
As Director of International and European Affairs at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, she coordinated the international engagement of the private sector and local authorities for COP 21.
Together with Pierre Ducret, she is the author of the report “For a French Green Finance Strategy”, which was presented to Nicolas Hulot and Bruno Lemaire in December 2017.

Eric Campos
Eric Campos is currently Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Crédit Agricole S.A. and a member of the Executive Committee since July 2023. He was previously Managing Director of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation from October 2016 to November 2022 and Head of Crédit Agricole S.A.’s Corporate Social Responsibility since June 2018.
He joined the Crédit Agricole Group in 2001, where he successively held the positions of Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Caisse Régionale du Crédit Agricole Mutuel de la Réunion, Head of Development of International Retail Banking and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes. He has also worked as Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Société financière pour le développement de la Réunion and at Agence Française de Développement as Head of Evaluation of development aid programmes in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific region.

Tanguy Claquin is the Global head of Sustainable Banking at Crédit Agricole CIB : Financial advisory, structuring and fundraising for social, environmental & development projects
Tanguy Claquin started his carrier in 1999 in management consulting. In 2002, he joined CDC Ixis (now Natixis) where he set up the weather derivatives, cat bonds and insurance securitisation structuring and trading activity. He joined Crédit Agricole CIB in 2006 in charge of the origination and placement of insurance-linked securitisations and alternative risk transfer. In 2009, Tanguy created the Sustainable Banking unit making Crédit Agricole CIB the first French investment bank with a financial advisory and placement team specialised in socially responsible investments. Tanguy has been instrumental in making Crédit Agricole CIB one of the global leader of green, societal and sustainable bonds.
Tanguy Claquin is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and holds an Atmospheric Physics PhD.

Miren Bengoa
Since January 2021, Miren Bengoa is the new Managing Director of the International Action sector of GROUPE SOS. Since 2011, she was Head of Fondation CHANEL, which aims to support projects improving the economic and social situation of women.
A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, Miren is an international specialist in development, gender and public health with 20 years of professional experience in developing countries. She began her career in strategic communications and public affairs at Weber Shandwick Worldwide (France) and then moved on to an international role with several NGOs such as MSF and the Terre des Hommes Foundation. She has worked and lived in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Senegal and Ecuador as a program manager in reproductive health (UNFPA) and child mortality (UNICEF).
She helped launch and develop Fondation CHANEL, enabling it to become one of the European leaders in the field of gender equality with projects supported in more than 30 countries. Since 2013, Miren has led the creation of the French National Committee for Women of the UN, of which she is the honorary president. As an active member of the Board of Directors of the Centre des fondations françaises (CFF), she supports the improvement of synergies between private donors. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the experimental social enterprise Fleurs de Cocagne (Essonne), which promotes the production of local and sustainable flowers in order to provide employment for marginalized women.

Mohammad Shahjahan
Mohammad Shahjahan began his career at Grameen Bank in 1984. He was Acting Managing Director and Head of the Accounting, Finance, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation division of Grameen Bank. He has also served on the Board of Directors of several Grameen family companies. These companies are active in agriculture, social welfare, renewable energy, telecommunications, venture capital and investment banking.
Mohammad Shahjahan obtained a B. Com degree in Accounting with honours from Dhaka University in 1976 and a Master’s degree in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Finance from the same University in 1977 and 1981 respectively.