Philippe Guichandut, Secretary General of the Foundation spoke at the European Microfinance Week 2023 (EMW 2023).
On 17 November, this session highlighted the success factors and challenges of the inclusion of agricultural insurance by MFIs supported by the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. Examples from Cambodia and other countries highlighted the need to strengthen the capacity of not only the MFI, but also insurers.
Climate change-induced natural disasters and weather hazards disrupt the income-generating activities of MFIs and their clients and disproportionately affect women. Not only do they have more difficulty repaying their loans, they are also more vulnerable after a disaster. Given the impact of natural disasters, insurance is gradually being adopted as a tool not only to protect their members, but also MFIs from bad reimbursements caused by the loss of production or assets. The session will highlight the success factors and challenges of the inclusion of agricultural insurance by MFIs supported by the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. Examples from Cambodia and other countries will emphasize the need to build the capacity not only of the MFI, but also of insurers, including the flow of insurance information and education systems, to create value for both the offer and the insurer, as well as for demand. participants and beneficiaries in a responsible manner.